Pixar’s latest film Docter, and even weaver spinning influential and rich lens through fictional elements. One side of the hypothesis from the inside out – the child has to adjust to life in a new city – is not as innovative, but to add to the emotions together a little anthropomorphic, and suddenly you have a film that seems to be more creative and be far ambitious. In short, a new Pixar posted on the official website (hat tip to / film for grabs first), and gives more details about the story from the inside out: What does the inside unusual addition to the catalog Pixar film is that it is the psychological adventure – literally, a lot of work going on in the head of a girl, 11 years old, named Riley, making this the second original Pixar to female characteristics protagonist after brave. Promising evenly news that the project is co-author of Docter and author Oscar-winner Michael Arndt, the last after he was also responsible for the script threequel Pixar Toy Story 3, in addition to having written last year participated critic / box thrill Office, the sequel Hunger Games fire.

Inside Out is the latest Pixar film directed by Peter Docter – the samples, and the business and even fame – with Ronaldo Del Carmen (story artist at the University of monsters and brave) included co-director. All these are original works by renowned computer animation studio which is scheduled to open in theaters in 2015, with the inside to the outside of the gate is the first.

The other two films are well dinosaur inside and outside. There are currently four films, defined as “the next” Pixar on the official site – although we know are under development more – and of those, only one is from the new installment in the franchise business (CONTINUED Finding Nemo Finding League).
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